Here’s some of our most commonly asked questions about our cleaning services
How much does it cost?
For a lean-to style conservatory prices start at £80.00 for an external clean, for other styles the minimum price for a full external clean would be £150.00.
How long does it take?
It really depends upon the size and soiling of the conservatory and any access difficulties. Typically a medium sized Victorian style conservatory cleaned on the outside will take a crew of 2 cleaners about 3 hours each, with a further hour each if the insides are cleaned.
Are you insured?
Yes. We hold Employers Liability insurance for claims up to £10 million and Public Liability insurance for claims up to £1 million.
Why shouldn’t I clean it myself?
RoSPA statistics show that there are over 6000 falls a year from conservatories that require hospital treatment (not including the one’s that don’t). Furthermore, domestic cleaning products may well cause damage to the UPVC as they are not filtered sufficiently to remove the abrasive elements that can scratch the surface of the UPVC coating.
My window cleaners offer a similar service and they are cheaper. Why should I use you rather than them?
Most window cleaners use a purified water system (also known as water-fed-pole or reach & wash). The science is that the water needs to return to its natural (contaminated) state and therefore the dirt is attracted to the water – thus cleaning the glass and frames.
We actually use this system ourselves on occasions for a final rinse after the main clean, or for maintenance cleans. It is not a substitute for getting on to the conservatory roofs or the hand cleaning & polishing processes and does not give the same results. We have been asked to clean several conservatories when window cleaners had made an attempt but had not cleaned the conservatory to the client’s satisfaction.
I am interested in getting a quote. What do I need to do?
Either e-mail us on enquiries@conserv-a-clean.co.uk or call us on Norwich 01603 926900 or Mobile /TXT 07909 718291. We will arrange a survey which should take approx. 10 minutes. We will then give you a price. It is a free survey and a no-obligation quote.